Friday, March 4, 2016

Creating an Alpha Strike Force - Part 2

If you missed the first one of this series, click here!

Well, it is finally time to get started!

Choosing an Era

First, you need to choose which era do you want to play. I'll not write an era breakdown here, since you can find better ones elsewhere. What is important to know is that the 'original' starting point of the BT universe is the Succession Wars era (the Star Leacgue happens before that, but was just fleshed out recently). Because of it, it is the most known era by the BT fans and casual players, but have some aspects that can complicate things... in this era, the technology development came to a halt, with people trying to maintain rests of Star League equipment. Som, no new mechs are produced, availability is limited, and everything needs to be salvaged form the battlefield, Mad Max-style, cause the are not produced anymore. While it is an exciting era for role playing and original BT games and campaigns, it can be very limiting for AS, due the low variety of mechs, no army 'exclusives' and the mech is something rare on the battlefield, at the there is a limited infantry variety (no battle armor options). it can be nice in a boardgame with 4 mechs per side, but when you have 4 or more LANCES of 4 (or more) mechs each, it doens't seem very suitable anymore.