Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Dornian Heresy - Considerations

Rogal Dorn, the Arch-Betrayer

As I've said before, for now I'm sticking to the idea of collecting a Fallen force, which I plan to publish my own piece of fluff here at some point in the future (together with other ideas I had in the past, but I had put those aside when I've decided for The Fallen), but now, thanks to phobosdeimos, I'm giving some thought to the Dornian Heresy idea.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

And Now For Something Completely Different...

I know it's a chaos blog, but as the subtitle says, it is about all things 40K and miniature wargaming as well. So, in that spirit, it's my pleasure to announce a new contributor to this blog, Phobos. He is a Necron player, but a great fan of the Chaos Space Marines, Daemons and the 40K fluff as a whole. He is the main responsible in convincing me to make a Fallen Angels army as well.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Hobby Links - Part I

Hi, today I'm here with a handful of interesting links related to the hobby, to help the new players on finding resources on the web. They are loosely classified below, so enjoy!


Warseer - The most famous Warhammer-related forum in existence, Warseer is the mandatory stop when checking for the latest news and rumours. As a forum itself there are better options now, but the opinions vary.

Heresy Online - I particularly prefer Heresy Online as a general Warhammer 40K/Fantasy forum over the Warseer. Check them both and decide by yourself ;)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Tale of Three Editions

The 3 last rulebooks (pocket versions)

Last night I was browsing my 40K stuff, and just occurred to me that I have the 3 last rulebooks in their pocket incarnations - the versions that used to come in the starter sets (Battle for Macragge, Assault on Black Reach and Dark Vengeance, respectively). It brought me into a trip down the memory lane.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

An Absurdly Small Step...

Here they are:

First Chaos Cultists and Chosen out of the sprue

These are my first chaos minis, out of the Dark Vengeance box set, being cleaned up from the hanging sprue parts (I always cut them out of the sprue that way, to avoid unintentional damages) and being verified for completion. They are not glued on the bases yet, I've just snap them together to make the task easier.

Can You Dig It?

Here we are! First post on this blog, that will cover my hobby collecting, painting and playing miniature wargames. For now, the main focus will be my new Chaos army, that will possibly be based on The Fallen, the traitors from the Dark Angels chapter/legion. I'll talk about fluff, modelling, releases, and random posts about other 40K armies and other games as well. I hope you like it dig it ;)

But why "Can You Dig It?" That's why:

So, come out to plaaaaayyyyy!